DECEMBER 3: MADISON-CHESTER SENIOR ADULT MEETING to be held at Sanford Hill Baptist Church at 10:30 a.m. with lunch to follow.

Please call the office at 731-668-5690 to RSVP the head count for your church for the preparation of the meal.

Continue ReadingDECEMBER 3: MADISON-CHESTER SENIOR ADULT MEETING to be held at Sanford Hill Baptist Church at 10:30 a.m. with lunch to follow.

SUPER SUNDAYS IN OCTOBER at Meridian Baptist Church, Jackson at 6:00 p.m. On October 6th Dr. Matt Brown; October 13th Dr. Danny Sinquefield, October 20th Dr. Tommy Vinson and October 27th Dr. Ronald Meeks will be the guest speakers.

Continue ReadingSUPER SUNDAYS IN OCTOBER at Meridian Baptist Church, Jackson at 6:00 p.m. On October 6th Dr. Matt Brown; October 13th Dr. Danny Sinquefield, October 20th Dr. Tommy Vinson and October 27th Dr. Ronald Meeks will be the guest speakers.